Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Laphroaig Quarter cask

Laphroaig is probably one of those whiskies you need to learn to like, unless you are a peater one of those people you see walking the streets begging for money so they can buy their next fix of peat, they are Scotland's answer to crack whores.The first I thought when I took a sniff was Lagavulin, naturally this was the smoke/peat.I won't say put up a list of what I smell and taste because my noobie nose and taste buds have problems getting past the smoke, what I can say is that at 48% I NEED water, I tried it dry and the alcohol just bit my nose, when I tasted it, it burned my moth.So I put two tea spoons of water in it, and it became quite drinkable.What I can say about the smell, taste etc. is smoky, peaty, abit salt, but the peat and smoke just overwhelms me, and I can't get more specific. That's not to say it's not enjoyable, I'm still not sure I'm that big of a fan of smoke but I don't hate it, I might prefer less smoke, but I can drink a smoky whisky and enjoy it very much.
One last thing, I actually had to watch Ralfy's video on this to actually get it, he says there's this clean finish, and I think I get that, when the finish happen, you have the smoke, but at the same time, your mouth feel very "clean" like you just had a drink of spring water, but you still have the smoke at the same time very curious, maybe what I like the best so far about it, feels just like you just drunk a full glass of icy fresh water, it takes time for it to happen something like a good minute or more after, then suddenly the fresh soft water taste.
Anyway Now I have one whisky from, Islands, Islay, Speyside and Lowland I need one for highlands, but which one, post a comment and let me know which one I should get.

1 comment:

  1. Heisan! Fikk en link til websiden din " apartment of war" av en kjenning/wargamer fra UK. Jeg har lenge hevdet for han at jeg er den eneste som samler på 15 mm napoleonics i Norge. Moro å se at det faktisk er en til der ute. Jeg bor i Oslo og har samlet i ca 2 år å. Holdt på i flere år fra jeg var 12-15år og samlet på og malte selv stort sett Minifigs og Essex figurer. Da bare Napoleonskrigene. Er nå 34 år og oppdaget ved en tilfeldighet for 2 år siden at folk faktisk driver med dette fortsatt og at de faktisk er eldre enn 15 år:) Har bygget meg opp en solid samling med over 1000 15 mm malte fig. nå og sitter (snart) en komplett "Grande arme" fra 1812, mangler enkelte avdelinger fra FRanske allierte men har underveis en 50 fig som vil dekke opp det meste. Ville vært artig å høre mer om hva du driver med innenfor maling av fig. og gaming. Send gjerne en mail til meg: valsalvameister@gmail.com (navnet er Erik og jeg bor i Oslo).
